South of Beale Popcorn Topping
I am a total fan of Diners Drive-in’s and Dives… I am watching a show featuring South of Beale Gastro Bar in Memphis and they offer a table munch of spicy sweet popcorn that gave me a phat rolling pin. I had to share this with you . Let’s make a popcorn topping and try it out!
10oz air popped pop corn
1/2 cup brown sugar (dried and powdered in your food processor)
2 tsp kosher salt
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp dry mustard
1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp ground granulated garlic
1/4 cup melted butter
Mix the dry spice ingredients in a bowl. Pour the melted butter over the popped pop corn and toss gently. Sprinkle the spicy sweet topping over the popcorn and enjoy. It is totally great… LOVE IT.
Hello Chef, how do you dry brown sugar?
That is a good question…. Brown sugar will automatically dry with direct exposure to air. Leave it in an open bowl and the molasses content will glaze.
Fabulous…we’re addicted!
Chef Gosselin — I live in Memphis TN and we refer to this tasty delight as “Crack Corn” because it is so addicting! I know the owners and they are just as delightful! Thanks for sharing this!!
Thank you for the comment. Memphis is a great swirl of awesome food taste. Just thinking about the great places and off the beat small restaurants that surround the city makes my mouth water. Memphis in May BBQ contest is what brings me farther south from my Louisville porch. I just like to wander and see what is smok’in.
Totally addictive make it every weekend…
I agree… I find myself preparing my popcorn in this style over and over.
Thank you for the measurements. We hit rewind multiple times and looking at the canister to guess ratio
Sutten: You are equally welcome. Happy New Year and enjoy the eats. Lots of great recipes on my website and even more on my Pinterest page.
Chef Gosselin
10 oz of air popped popcorn… is that about 2.5 cups.? Trying to make sure I get the popcorn/seasoning ratio correct
Thanks for the question… I had to look up the answer…. the ratio of air-popped to cup is .28oz to cup…. Hope that helps.
I’m so embarrassed to say this but last month I finally went to SOB tried the popcorn and didn’t even eat what I ordered the popcorn was so good and amazing…..the best popcorn everrrrrr
Never be embarrassed….there are thousands of great recipes out there for you to try. Wish I was the chef that formulated this recipe…..but rather I just pass it forward on behalf of the person that takes the spotlight. If you have time…look at my other recipes… might find that one of the formulas that I have created is also a hit. I have a very good spaghetti sauce recipe that I pioneered over many years of perfecting the recipe.
The popcorn was my meal for my date night….I order my main meal but did not eat eat…the popcorn was so amazingly delicious
I must admit… I love that popcorn topping myself. I wish I was the chef that invented the topping, but I am simply passing it forward and perhaps this year I will Drive on Down to the restaurant in Memphis and sit up at the bar and try some right from the creator.
This toppling is sooooo addicting. I walked out of SOBs and told everyone I could about their popcorn and duck fried rice. between the two of them they make a complete meal. Thank you for posting this!
I must agree. Well stated!
Is the 10oz of popcorn, the kernels or popped corns.
Thanks for the question….10 oz kernels
Sincerely, Chef
I visited South of Beale in April, 2024. Best popcorn I’ve ever eaten! In trying to figure out what I was tasting, I could have sworn that there was cinnamon in it. Are they using a different recipe now? Maybe I’m just way off base.
Brian…its rare a great formula like that gets changed…but then again
Chef Gosselin