St Patty Day Menu
St Patty’s Day has a huge impact on the sale of brisket, cabbage, potatoes and carrots. I must raise my hand and state that the gal went shopping and bought herself some corned beef. I know you are wanting to ask me “what is corned beef”? Go ahead and read on… I will help you understand better how a brisket becomes “corned beef”.
Click here for a Wikipedia read on “corned beef”
In the days of old the corned or rock salt cured beef was created to lower the risk of food poisoning. Nitrites were later discovered to alter the meat storage too and they were injected into the meat which gives the meat that red tint. Personally, I am only slightly a fan of “corned beef” …I would not prepare it for myself as my attraction for the meat is low. I did try some of the meat and veggies and it is a very tender meat that could go well on a hot dog roll or as a main course. I suggest that mashed potatoes over boiled potatoes for a meal with corned beef might make me more attracted to the meat if I was desiring a menu that includes this meat. I would saute the cabbage and add some onion…if I was just thinking how I mouth might want the veggies. Other than that… it was a good meal for my wife. She took the left overs to work.
I cooked the meal in my crock pot. The “corned beef brisket” was placed in the crock pot and I just poured the packet of seasoning on top of the meat before I added the water. the crock pot was set on low with enough water to cover the meat completely. I let this cook all day and it was ready to serve after the 9 hour cooking adventure. I added the cabbage, carrots and potatoes to the brine (used to cook the meat) water and placed another 1/2 gallon of water in the crock pot to bring the level up to cover the potatoes. Meal prep was really a no brainer from my perspective.
As for St Patty… since this all was in his honor. I will attach the link to some reading on his topic. St Patty History