Carne de Panela com Pesto de Agrião (Pan Braised Brisket with Watercress Pesto)

If you love a moist potted type meat that melts in your mouth than this awesome dish offered by Chef Mariuska is delicious.


For the meat:

2 lb. brisket

salt to taste

1 large onion, sliced

2 large bay leaves, roughly crushed

4 to 6 garlic cloves, chopped

1 red chili pepper (dedo de moça), minced

4 Tbsp oil

First, clean excess fat of the brisket, and season with garlic (the more the better), pepper, salt, and bay leaves. Rub those spices all over the meat and allow it to marinade at least 3 hours. Place in the fridge.

In a large pan, over medium heat, add oil. When oil get hot, add the onion, and let it caramelize very well, until have a nice dark brown color. This step is very important for the final product of the meat.

When onion is ready, add meat and let seal both sides. Turn heat low and cook meat slowly,(Do not close the lid in this process).Let meat cook, turning both sides, and adding water, little by little, until get a beautiful brown color. This will take a little bit, but is worth, because will allow it to form a delicious broth. Just turning the meat and adding water, until meat is very soft. Meat should not stay without liquid.

When meat is soft, remove from pan, slice it, and reduce the broth until thicken a bit. Add on top of meat, and serve with “farofa” or white rice, and the pesto over it.

For the Pesto:

1 bunch watercress

3 garlic cloves

5 oz Parmesan cheese

4 oz extra virgin olive oil

3.5 oz unsalted peanuts

Just add all ingredients in a blender and press the pulse button until all blend together and became a paste. Test if more salt is needed.


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