4th of July in the USA
It is a long holiday weekend. The stores are running low on grilling supplies and it is not yet Friday. I have my grilling goodies but am most likely going to take a moment to attend another pals cookout on the 4th. This will mean that I am a basic non cooking taster. But if you have never visited the USA and are reading my blog looking for exciting content….LET’s chat 4th of July festivities.
The 4th of July in the USA historically denotes our day of Independence from the rule of Great Britain. The fore fathers of our nation earned independence for the newly formed USA in 1776. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Day_(United_States)
Today…the festivity is more of a huge social weekend for the country. Large sale events for the stores….food and cookouts for the regular working class and lots of outdoor sports events all happening over the entire country.
I am not a huge fan of festivity. My best role is to take center stage as a cook at any functions that I participate. Occasionally, like this weekend, I am not going to make a huge effort to prepare and cook for the masses.
If you were traveling in the USA this weekend….you might take a moment to look at what the citizens of this country are doing in the area you visit.
You might be surprised…