Choose My Plate Garlic Onion Black Pepper Flat Bread Crackers

Delicious recipes that follow our eating plan is what we are making. You can buy flatbread crackers in the supermarket under London’s and Wasa brands…or we can take a walk on the kitchen side and make some crackers that have that awesome personal attraction and taste. We are  kitchen gurus and  I share the fine menus that I am making for my vision our eating plan. SO…. Let’s make Garlic Onion Black Pepper Flat Bread Crackers for our eating plan.

These crackers are a Chef Gosselin recipe. I have made these special flat bread cracker and am offering the recipe from the cooking lab at Casa Gosselin in the heart of beautiful Kentucky.

The house smells wonderful from all the herbs I am using and of course you will have this recipe and many more to place in your Choose My Plate Plan book.

Chef Gosselin Garlic Onion Black Pepper Flat Bread Crackers

3 cups All Purpose flour (in the future I will scribe AP Flour)

1 cup Wheat flour

2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp fine ground kosher salt

1 tsp olive oil

1 tsp dry minced garlic

1 tsp dried minced onion

1/2 tsp course ground black pepper

1 1/4 cup cold water

In the mixing bowl goes all the dry ingredients. With the dough hook in place or a mixing spoon in hand let the machine (in my case) stir up your dry ingredients.

Add oil and water and continue mixing until dough is fully formed. Add more AP flour is your dough is too sticky or more cold water…tsp at a time…if your dough is too dry. We want a dough that will roll out very thin

Flour sparingly some parchment paper and  place dough ball on the paper.

Cut dough ball into three equal parts

Roll out dough thinly (see photo)

Bake at 450F degrees until nice and crisp.

Allow to cool and break up the big cracker sheet and place in storage container for your use throughout this week

This is a delicious recipe that will amaze you as you have your flatbread crackers in the morning and evening. It makes for a great emergency snack to keep on hand

Off I go to make other tasty items….

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